We started raising guinea hens, pheasants, and ducks from chicks before we even bought the farm. Shortly after moving to the farm, we got many different kinds of chickens, allowing their population to grow. We have Silkies (some have a “naked neck” or “naked chest”), Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Ayam Cemanis, Novogen Whites, Dominiques, Jersey Giants, and Rhode Island Reds. We then got peahens and peacocks in October of 2021, although we now only have one peahen. Then, in April of 2022, we got two Emu’s, who we raised from chicks - they are SO fun to watch, just be careful if you’re wearing jewelry as they love to peck at things that are shiny. In July of 2022 we added some turkeys to the flock and in November of 2022 a couple of white geese. The bird with the most personality is the female turkey named Biscuit - she walks all over the farm daily, loves to visit with campers, and is always inquisitive around food.


The birds eat cracked corn occasionally but free range to look for bugs to eat for the majority of the day. They also enjoy eating eggshells as a source of calcium and bread as a snack. Biscuit the turkey will try to eat anything you have in your hand, so just watch your back with that one.

When we notice one is sick, we look up the illness and treat accordingly. In the past we have treated turkey sinus infections, and duck bumble foot. Alyvia wants to be a large animal veterinarian, so she has become quite proficient with treating minor injuries and giving injections.