Day Tours & Volunteering 

If you are like we were and just love visiting farms and want to come by for a few hours, we’d love to have you. If you have never been to a farm and are curious, we’d love to have you as well. We have been contacted by families, groups of friends, daycamps, etc. just wanting to come out to learn more about the animals and farm life. If this sounds like you, then the day tour is a great option to experience the farm in the timespan that you have available.

If you are interested in the upkeep and medical care of the animals, we can try to arrange a time so you can come out when we have to do our rounds to administer medications, assess the animals, or when the farrier is coming out to care for and trim the horses and other animal’s hooves. Like we said, this has been a learning process for us, but we are happy to have you out and to show you what we have learned. An extra set of hands-on vaccination day is always handy.

If you are interested in coming out to volunteer, we’d gladly accept the help. We have one volunteer who comes out regularly to wash and brush the horses and donkeys, and it has been a great experience for her, us, and the animals. If you want to help clean out barns and paddocks, help repair fences, help fix farm vehicles, help in the garden, or you just like to get your hands dirty, there’s always something you can help with.

Please call Jason at 517-974-9742 to discuss options, pricing, and set up a time to come visit. **Our goal is to let others experience this life and we don’t want money keeping anyone from coming. If needed, discuss this when you call, and we’ll find an option that will work for you.